20mph speed limit
The Welsh Government has announced a speed limit of 20mph for restricted roads in Wales (which came inforce from 17 September 2023).
20mph limits have been introduced in urban areas and include roads where streetlights are placed no more than 200 yards apart. See more details.
The Welsh Government has introduced the change for several reasons which include:
- reducing the number of collisions and serious injuries;
- encouraging more people to walk and cycle in our communities;
- helping to improve our health and well-being;
- make our streets safer;
- protecting the environment for future generations.
What does this mean for Gwynedd?
As a result of the change, the previous 30mph speed limits have been reduced to 20mph in most sites in Gwynedd. But with some roads where there is justification, the restrictions remain at 30mph and detailed work has been carried out to consider these locations by the Council's engineers.
We have also identified sites where the speed limits are currently 30mph, but which are not lit in accordance with national guidelines. In locations where it would be beneficial for the community to reduce the speed limits to 20mph, the Council has done so by introducing a traffic order.
Council officers engaged with Community/Town/City Councils and other stakeholders, and held a period to receive comments on the recommendations.

The map shows tA, B and link roads Although roads within housing estates are not designated on the map, these changed to 20mph in accordance with speed lighting requirements.
Further information
More information about the Wales-wide scheme is available on the Welsh Government website.