101 High Street, Bala

Grant amount: £4,431.00

101 High Street, Bala, received a Town Centre Property Improvement Grant to revitalise the building's frontage and reinstate its role as a vibrant part of the community. The grant was used to bring the property up to modern safety standards as the existing shop window and door were outdated, unstable and posed a safety risk. Additionally, the window above the shopfront was dilapidated and non-functional.

With the grant funding, improvements were made to replace the windows and door with modern, safe, and aesthetically appealing fixtures, ensuring both the building's safety and the vibrancy of the area. The facade was also refreshed with new paint and signage, transforming the property into an attractive, welcoming space.

"The grant has improved the look of the property on Bala High Street, which might not have been done without the Town Centre Property Improvement Grant" Fiona Hopkins, Owner.

The building is now leased by M-Sparc as one of their satellite sites across Gwynedd, further contributing to the local economy and fostering innovation, creating a new hub for the community.