Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

The Food Hygiene Rating Act 2013 introduces a mandatory scheme requiring food businesses to openly display their hygiene rating and advise customers of their hygiene rating on request.

The scheme applies to:

  • restaurants
  • pubs
  • cafes
  • takeaways
  • hotels
  • supermarkets and other food shops

Each business is given their hygiene rating when it is inspected by a food safety officer from Gwynedd Council. More information can be found on the The Food Standards Agency’s website (FSA).


How does it work?

During a food hygiene inspection an assessment is made against the hygiene risk which the business poses to the health of the public. The rating will be based on

  • How hygienically the food is handled
  • The condition of the premises
  • How food safety is managed

The level of compliance determines the Food Hygiene Rating of a business, which ranges from the lowest rating ‘0’ – Urgent Improvement Necessary to the highest rating ‘5’ Very Good 


Find a Food Hygiene Rating

Every establishment's food hygiene rating will be published on the Food Standards website.

Search food establishments hygiene scores



Food Hygiene Rating Wales (Act) 2013  


Not Happy with your rating?

If you consider your business rating is unjust or you wish to discuss your rating, please contact the officer who carried out the inspection.

If they are unable to resolve the matter you may appeal by completing the appeal form

Appeal form 

The appeal must be made within 21 days of the date the business receives the food hygiene inspection report. The completed appeal form should be sent to the Public Protection Manager (Food). The appeal will be considered by an officer from the authority who was not involved in the original assessment of the food hygiene rating being appealed. The local authority will decide the appeal and notify the business of the outcome within 21 days of receiving the appeal. During the period of the appeal process, no sticker should be displayed nor referred to in any advertising, web site content etc.

Businesses have a “Right to Reply”.

The Right to Reply allows a business to comment on the rating given to the business.  These comments must be made in writing to the Council by completing a form.

Right to reply form

Paper copies of this form can be provided by this office upon request.

The completed form should be sent to the Public Protection Manager (Food) who will forward it to the Food Standards Agency who may publish the comments on the Agency’s website, along with the rating.

Phone: 01766 771 000


Address: Public Protection Manager, Meirionnydd Area Office, Cae Penarlâg, Dolgellau, Gwynedd,LL40 2YB

If a business has addressed all the non-compliances raised in the inspection report, they can apply for a re-rating visit.  The request for a further inspection and assessment of the food hygiene standards of the establishment for the purpose of considering whether to change its food hygiene rating can be made at any time, subject to the following conditions having been met:

  • any appeal against the current food hygiene rating has been determined;
  • the operator has notified the food authority of improvements made to hygiene standards at the establishment;
  • the food authority considers it reasonable to further inspect and assess the establishment in view of the improvements said to have been made;
  • the current food hygiene rating sticker is displayed at the establishment in accordance with the requirements of section 7 of the Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Act 2013;
  • the business has agreed to ensure that a food authority will be given access to carry out an inspection of the establishment for the purpose of the re-rating.
  • the business has paid the reasonable costs of the re-rating, as determined by the food authority in accordance with section 13 of the Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Act 2013


How do I arrange a re-rating visit?

There is a charge of £210 for a re-rating visit which must be paid after a re-rating visit is granted.  The charge will be calculated on the basis of an estimate of the officer time which will be expended on carrying out the re-rating visit, including preparation time, travelling time, the time spent in writing the post inspection report, plus travelling expenses. 

Application for a re-rating visit must be made in writing to the Council using the Re-rating application form.  Paper copies of this form can be provided by this office upon request. 

Phone: 01766 771 000


Re-rating application form


When will a re-rating take place?

The re-rating revisit will take place within three months of the request being made by the business.  The business will not be informed in advance of the specific date and time of the visit. Please note that the Food Authority may require supporting evidence of the rectification of the non-compliances before agreeing to make a re-score visit. 

The business must continue to display the current rating sticker until you have been notified of the outcome of the re-rating visit, which will be within 14 days of the re-inspection.