Project Recharge Grant fund

If your business is in the process of, or has received a review as a result of going through the Recharge Project, you can now apply for up to £5,000 grant funding to help implement the review recommendations. 


Who is eligible?

Gwynedd businesses that have been supported through the Recharge project, are facing challenges and are keen to survive, grow or innovate.

We will prioritise companies in the Digital, Digital Creative, Professional, Technical, Scientific, Aerospace and Energy sectors, but are open to applications from other sectors. 

We will not accept applications from businesses that have already benefited from a substantial grant (over £25,000) in the last 3 years. 


How much is available?

The size of the fund is £50,000 and any successful application to the fund will have to provide 50% of (private) match funding.  

If, as an example, your scheme has a total cost of £12,000, the fund can contribute £5,000, with the business contributing £7,000. Should the scheme as a whole cost £4,000 the fund can contribute £2,000. 

There is a maximum of £5,000 available per application and this will be allocated on a value for money basis and the impact it will have on your business – You can find out more about the scoring system in the documents below. 


What is eligible?

The purpose of the fund is to implement some of the recommendations that will come from the support you have received through the Recharge scheme.



You can submit an application at any time until March 2025, or until the fund is fully earmarked if sooner but all projects must be completed and fully claimed by June 2025. 


How to apply?

If you have been through the Recharge project, or are in the process of doing so, please speak to your Recharge contact for further details about the grant.  If you would like to join the Recharge scheme, please contact


Additional documents 

Recharge Grant Scoring Guide


Recharge Grant Publicity Guidelines