Environmental permitting

Environmental permitting is a regime to regulate certain types of industrial installations which can potentially create pollution. 

Environmental permitting is a regime to regulate certain types of industrial installations which can potentially create pollution.

There are 3 classes of permit specified under the schedule:

Part A1 permits

Installations which require an A1 permit are regulated by the Environment Agency and generally industries considered to be the most polluting. Installations covered include large power stations, chemical works and heavy industrial processes.  A1 premises are regulated for emissions to air, land and  water. Other environmental aspects such as noise, vibration, waste control and energy usage is also considered.


Part A2 permits

Installations which require an A2 permit are regulated by Council. Pollution created by such installations is considered to be of medium risk. A2 premises are also regulated for emissions to air, land, water and other environmental considerations.


Part B permits

Industries or installations which require a part B permit are only regulated for emissions to air. Cement batching plants, quarry processes and waste oil burners will fall into this category


Further information

Further information regarding the Installations which require a permit are listed in schedule 1 of the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016

You may require a permit to operate any installation which carries out the activities listed in schedule 1 of the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016.

A permit may also be required for certain waste disposal or recovery activities which are not exempt under the regulations.

 If you are unsure whether or not you require a permit please contact us:

Further guidance is also available at Gov.uk 

Application forms are available by contacting us: 


Late Applications

Where an operator has been operating a listed activity in an installation unlawfully without a permit he may be invited to submit a retrospective application which will involve a higher application fee.


Existing Permits

The holder of an existing permit may apply for a permit to be varied, transferred or surrendered. Where there is a proposed substantial change to an existing permitted installation or where the Council is of the opinion that a change in a permit is required a formal procedure must be followed. Please contact us:

A fee is payable to the Council when you apply for a permit or apply for a variation,  transfer or surrender an existing permit. There is no charge to transfer or surrender a reduced fee permit.


When an application is received an invoice will be sent to you. If you send the fee with your application a retrospective invoice will be sent to you. You can also pay in person (once you have received an invoice) at any of the Council’s one stop shops.


Annual subsistence

When a permit is issued the operator of the installation must comply with the conditions and pay an annual subsistence charge to cover the Council’s inspection costs.

Permit conditions are usually based on industry specific process guidance notes. View guidance notes  

The subsistence charge and number of annual inspections by Council officers will vary and depends on whether or not the installation has been deemed to be of low, medium or high risk. Each operator is entitled to know how the Council establishes the risk rating of their respective

Some of the smaller installations seen as less complex and which pose a low risk of environmental pollution incur reduced Annual subsistence fees. Such installations include waste oil burners, dry cleaners and petrol stations.

Where an application is refused or an operator does not agree with any conditions imposed as part of a permit he may submit an appeal to The Planning Inspectorate

A1 Installation

All Part A1 installations are regulated by Natural Resources Wales


A2 Installations

There are no A2 installations within the Gwynedd Council area present.


Part B Installations

View current Part B permits issued by Gwynedd Council


Local Authority Register of Exempt Waste Activities

Waste Management License Exemptions are for Part B activities that meet the general requirements of Regulation 17 of the WML Regulations and the specific conditions for the activity laid down in Schedule 3 to the Waste Management License Regulations.

Gwynedd Council currently has no registered exemptions.


Radioactive Substances

Gwynedd Council has currently no entries in its radioactive substances register.


Please contact us for further information