Temporary Road Closure Applications

If you want to temporarily close a road in Gwynedd, you must apply to the Council’s Street Works Unit.

The application can come from a company or from any individual who is, for example, arranging an event. E.g

  • road works / work near a road
  • public processions
  • street markets 
  • any occasion when the street are likely to be very crowded.

How do I apply?

Download the application form below and return it by post, along with the relevant fee, to the address noted on the

Road closure application form

We try our best to keep the roads open at all times, and we look at each application individually. Submitting an application does not guarantee that we will close the road for your event.

Emergency road closure:

Emergency road closure application form

How much does it cost?

  • £1061 - temporary road closure application through notice.
  • £2,514 - temporary road closure application through order.

Please enclose a cheque made payable to ‘Gwynedd Council’ with your application. The relevant application fee must be paid before consideration is given to your application. Please note this fee is non-refundable


Further information

For further information or advice, call 01766 771000