Being a Councillor

We want our Councillors to represent all corners of our society, so are looking for all types of people to put their names forward.

Video: Ever thought about being a councillor?

Valuable information about the role of Councillors, as well as the support available can be found on the 'Be a Councillor Wales' website:

What does the role involve?  

These next two videos will give you an insight into the work of a Councillor, and give you a taste of all the services that you as a Councillor would provide to the residents of Gwynedd:


  • Do you want to represent your local community and help local people?
  • Do you want to use your skills to help your local community?
  • Are you concerned about the future of local services and feel that you could be a voice for your community?

    If so, perhaps you should consider standing for election as a local councillor.

Cyngor Gwynedd needs local councillors who have a broad range of talents and interests that reflect the county’s population. 

The primary role is to represent the interests of your local people. This involves leading in the community and helping to maintain a dialogue between residents and the Council. 

Local councillors play an important role in developing policies - identifying community needs, setting objectives to meet those needs, deciding between the different demands on services and allocating resources. 

Your role will be very diverse and interesting. Being a councillor can take a lot of time. The amount of commitment you give to the role will be your choice. You will be in regular contact with residents, businesses and Council officers. You will be required to prepare to participate in the Council’s Committees.

As a Councillor you will be part of a team that is responsible for putting the people of Gwynedd at the heart of everything we do as a Council. 


Further information


Elections are held for all of Cyngor Gwynedd's electoral regions every five years. 

You are a legally eligible candidate if:

  • you are at least 18-years-old an are on the electoral register for the Gwynedd Council area and that your home (in the last twelve months) is in the County; OR
  • you work in the County (and have worked here for 12 months); OR
  • you own property in the County (for 12 months)

You will not be an eligible candidate if:

  • you are bankrupt, and there is a Bankruptcy Restrictions Order (or a temporary order) against you; OR
  • that you have been found guilty of a crime in the past five years and you have been sentenced to three months or more in prison, OR
  • you work for Cyngor Gwynedd in a post that has political restrictions*

*You qualify as a candidate if you work for Cyngor Gwynedd (except in a politically restricted post) but you would have to resign if you were elected.

If you are uncertain if you are eligible to stand in an election, further guidance can be found on the Electoral Commission website:

I have decided to stand for election. What do I need to do now?

Once you have decided to stand for election, you will decide either to stand as an independent councillor or as a member of a political group. Political parties in your local area are already searching for people who are interested in representing them and they would be happy to hear from you. They can support you with your election campaign and your work as a councillor.

Contact Points for the political assistants of the present main political parties in Cyngor Gwynedd:

Plaid Cymru –Joshua Kurtis Roberts, Plaid Cymru Political Group Officer

Independent - Delyth Ross, Independent Political Group Officer     
Phone: 01286 679017

Cyngor Gwynedd want to encourage people from a variety of different backgrounds to stand in the election. We have also committed to holding a fair and respectful election campaign along with all the other authorities in Wales:


Further information:

What happens once you have been elected?

As a new councillor, you will be invited to take part in an induction programme that will provide you with an introduction to how the Council works. Cyngor Gwynedd will provide you with a programme of training sessions throughout your term as a Councillor on a variety of relevant topics.

The Council's professional officers are available to support you in any way that is within their means with advice about the Council's arrangement or problems in your ward.  

Democracy Services Officers are available to answer any questions about Council meetings.

Computer provision

All of the Council's work is done electronically wherever possible and, as a result, information technology is an integral part of the Councillor's job. 

You will be offered computer equipment as well as an account and email address for your Council work. Training on all aspects of IT and 1-1 training sessions will be offered to any member who wishes, in addition of the help desk dealing with technical problems.


Cyngor Gwynedd works through the medium of Welsh and a translation service will be available for every meeting. 

Usually, Council meetings are held during office work hours. Council Committees are conducted through various forms - i.e. Face to face, virtual or a combination of both.

Meetings of Full Council, Cabinet, Planning Committee and any other committee likely to be of public interest are webcasted. 

Councillors ’attendance at each meeting is recorded and placed on the Council website. The website contains the name, photo and contact details of each Councillor.


Provision for disabled Councillors

The Council's buildings are suitable for disabled people, with parking spaces for disabled people located close to the buildings. There is a lift in the Council's main buildings to gain access to meeting rooms and special provision is available should a building need to be evacuated in an emergency.

Pay and Allowances

Councillors receive a salary for their work. All elected members of Welsh Local Authorities are entitled to receive a basic annual salary, which is paid on the 22nd of each month. Members with additional responsibilities, such as a Cabinet Member or Committee Chair, receive higher salaries. Reasonable expenses are also paid.

A Councillor can claim reimbursement of care costs to provide care for dependents when they are undertaking their duties; they are also entitled to maternity pay. Care costs will be reimbursed to Councillors with caring responsibilities for children or dependent adults, or personal care requirements. Members are also entitled to join the Local Government pension scheme.

There were changes to the electoral wards boundaries for the Cyngor Gwynedd election in May 2022.

View map of new electoral wards boundaries


For more information..

If you have an inquiry or for further information please visit:

or send us an e-mail: