Data protection
The Council needs to collect and use information about people in order to provide services.
Data protection legislation requires that this is dealt with.
How to access your information
You have the right to access information about yourself. We don't charge a fee for providing your information to you. You can either:
Send your request to:
Senior Statutory Data Protection Officer
Information Management Service
Council Offices
Shirehall Street
LL55 1SH
We need to respond within one month of receiving the request. If the request is complex or a number of requests is made by the same person, the period can be extended by up to 2 months but we would need to write to you within one month to let you know and explain why the extension is necessary .
You will receive a copy of the information or we will inform you that we do not hold any information about you.
We will inform you of:
- the purposes of your processing;
- the categories of personal data concerned;
- the recipients or categories of recipient you disclose the personal data to;
- your retention period for storing the personal data or, where this is not possible, your criteria for determining how long you will store it;
- the existence of their right to request rectification, erasure or restriction or to object to such processing;
- the right to lodge a complaint with the ICO or another supervisory authority;
- information about the source of the data, where it was not obtained directly from the individual;
- the existence of automated decision-making (including profiling); and
- the safeguards you provide if you transfer personal data to a third country or international organisation.
We may not be able to release personal data to you such as personal data which could prejudice the prevention or detection of crime; legal advice we have been given or personal data that would identify another person and they have not given permission for it to be disclosed.
If requests are deemed to be manifestly unfounded or excessive (especially if they are repetitive), we will charge a reasonable fee or refuse to deal with the request.
As a Council we are required to tell you how we process your personal information. Privacy notices for Council services are available here
The aim of the Wales Accord on the Sharing of Personal Information (WASPI) is to facilitate information sharing between organisations.
The Council is committed to creating information sharing protocols with partners to ensure that information is shared fairly, appropriately and securely.
A list of the protocols are available on the WASPI website.
The Council has a number of CCTV systems throughout the county in order to protect property and prevent and detect crime. Since the cameras record the activities of individuals, their use is regulated by data protection legislation.
If you feature in the CCTV footage you may have the right to view the data and to ask for a copy. Sometimes footage will not be released e.g, the footage may become part of a criminal investigation or civil proceedings or it shows other identifiable third parties.
CCTV locations:
View CCTV locations map
For more information, e-mail:
Privacy notice