Environmental Information Regulations

The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 give members of the public the right to access environmental information held by public authorities.


What is Environmental Information?

Information on the state of the environment e.g.

  • Air, water, soil, land, flora and fauna
  • Information on emissions and discharges, noise, energy, radiation, waste
  • State of human health and safety, contamination of the food chain
  • Policies, plans and agreements


How can a request be made?

You can contact us via the following methods:

  • Phone: (01766) 771000
  • E-mail: foi@gwynedd.llyw.cymru
  • Address: Senior Statutory Data Protection Office, Research and Information Service, Council Offices, Shirehall Street, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1SH


How long will I have to wait for a response? 

Requests must usually be answered, in writing, within 20 working days of receipt of the request, however this time period can be extended to 40 working days if the request is complex and voluminous.


What does it cost?

A reasonable fee may charged for disclosing information, however we cannot make a charge for allowing you access to any public registers or lists of environmental information or to examine the information on Council premises.


Does the Council always have to give me the information I request?

Under some circumstances, the Council may be able to refuse a a request for information if one of the exceptions in the regulations apply. For example:

  • because the request is manifestly unreasonable,
  • the information is unfinished               

All the exceptions are subject to the public interest test which means that the Council must consider whether it would be in the public interest to disclose, even though the information may be covered by an exception.


What if I am displeased with the Council’s response?

You should apply for an internal review within 40 working days of receipt of the refusal notice. The Council then has 40 working days to review the original decision, although it will endeavour to provide a response as soon as possible. 

If you are still displeased with the response following the internal review, you can make a complaint by writing to the Information Commissioner’s Office: 

EIR/FOI Complaints, Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,  Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF 

For more information, please visit the Information Commissioner's Office website.