Business Privacy Notice
Business Support
Why we require your information
We collect your personal information in order to assess your application’s eligibility for financial assistance or for the purpose of administrating the Council’s business assets and land and use it as it’s part of our public task.
Justification for using the information
In this instance, the Council is using your personal information as it has a duty to do this.
The Council will not be using your information in order to make automated or profiling decisions.
Who else will receive your information?
We will share the information with the Welsh Government, officers and relevant members within Gwynedd Council, valuers and business consultants who have been appointed by the Council.
We will not transfer your information to another country.
How long will we keep the information?
We will keep the information you supply for at least six years in accordance with the relevant guidelines.
Your rights
You have legal rights, and it is important that you are aware of what they are. Please visit the site on our website to learn about them:
Privacy Statement
Data Protection Officer: the e-mail address is
Should you wish to complain for the way that the Council has used your personal data, contact the Data Protection Officer in the first instance.
If you remain unhappy, you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office: