Cyngor Gwynedd to trial Dinas Dinlle management plan

Date: 12/07/2024

Significant work has been carried out to upgrades public resources at one of Gwynedd's most popular beaches and now Cyngor Gwynedd will develop a management plan for the site to ensure better safety and enjoyment for all.


Over the past few months, substantial work has been completed to upgrade the car park and other facilities at Dinas Dinlle, which attracts thousands of visitors annually. The work – funded by the Welsh Government – has included:


  • resurfacing the existing car park and creating dedicated parking spaces;
  • introducing a one-way system within the car park, increasing user safety;
  • improvements to public transport facilities including installing a bus shelter and creating a dedicated off-road bay;
  • picnic areas;
  • bike racks;
  • improvements to the retaining wall and landscaping;
  • new bins and recycling facilities.


Now that this phase of the work has been completed, Cyngor Gwynedd will be pressing ahead to trial a management plan for the area, which will include:


  • trialling charging a fee for parking during August and September 2024;
  • looking at options so that vehicles parking overnight may be controlled;
  • considering measures to protect disabled parking spaces, 'keep clear' areas, and entrances from mis-use and further road safety measures;
  • arranging maintenance budgets for parking facilities.


Following this trial period, it is the Council’s intention to gather feedback from the public, local businesses and the Community Council so that the management plan can be adapted and improved.


Parking fees are already payable at other popular beaches within the county. In 2019, Cyngor  Gwynedd's Cabinet decided that parking fees should be charged at Dinas Dinlle as part of the Council's savings plans, but the scheme was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and to allow the improvements work to be carried out.


As of 5 August 2024, for a six-week trial period, motorists will be expected to pay if parking at Dinas Dinlle for more than an hour. Following the trial period, Cyngor Gwynedd will gather feedback from the local community.


Councillor Nia Jeffreys, Cyngor Gwynedd's Cabinet Member for the Economy and Community Department, said:


"I completely understand that change is difficult and that charging fees where parking used to be free will not be popular. But unfortunately, if we are to continue to maintain our resources for everyone who uses them – both local people and visitors – we must look again at our arrangements. I'm confident that people will continue to enjoy Dinas Dinlle, which is a special place.


"We have agreed that parking will remain free for the first hour and after 5pm, and that the fee will increase incrementally the longer someone parks their car. A season ticket will also be available for frequent visitors.


"We are grateful for the comments of Local Members and the local Community Council during this process. By piloting the new measures we are in a position to ask the local community what has gone well and where there is room for improvement for the future.


"In the meantime, anyone with any comments can send them to us using the QR code that will be on the on-site pay-and-display machines or by contacting the Maritime Service at ."



Cyngor Gwynedd will run a trial period by charging for parking between 5 August – 20 September 2024.

 During this time, it is planned to charge the following parking fees between 9.00-17.00 daily:

Up to 1 hour : Free

Up to 2 hours : £2

Up to 3 hours : £3

Up to 8 hours : £6


The trial scheme will also see the offer a 2024 Season Ticket for £25 per vehicle.