Have your say about dog control orders in Gwynedd

Date: 25/07/2024

Cyngor Gwynedd wants to hear the public’s opinion regarding the regulations relating to dogs in public places such as beaches and parks.


Dog control orders have been operational in Gwynedd for over ten years. They set out clear rules for anyone who takes a dog to a public place and gives the Council the right to penalise those who breach these rules.

The orders include things such as:

  • not picking up dog poo;
  • allowing a dog to go on land where dogs are banned, for example playing fields, school and college grounds and some beaches at certain times of the year;
  • not putting a dog on a lead, or keeping it leashed, when asked to do so by an authorised officer.


Current orders allow Cyngor Gwynedd officers to issue a fixed penalty notice of up to £100 to anyone who contravenes the regulations and allows their dogs to cause a nuisance to other members of the community. This could lead to prosecution by the Courts. 

Cyngor Gwynedd wants to hear the views of the public to see if they are happy for the current orders to be extended for the next three years.


Councillor Berwyn Parry Jones, Cyngor Gwynedd's Cabinet Member with responsibility for Street Services within the County, said:


"The control orders in public places were first introduced in Gwynedd in 2013 and have since been updated. It is now time for us to look again at the current regulations, which were last updated in 2021, and we are asking the people of Gwynedd to share their thoughts. We want to know if people support the Council’s intention to extend the orders for a further three years. ⁠


“Dog ownership has increased over recent years and the vast majority of owners are considerate of others and behave responsibly. The orders that are in place allow the Council to go after the small number who behave selfishly, for example allowing their dogs to run loose – and foul – on sports grounds and children's playing fields.


“If you have an opinion on the current regulations, I encourage you to complete the short questionnaire on the Council's website.”


To take part in the consultation, people should visit Cyngor Gwynedd's website www.gwynedd.llyw.cymru/HaveYourSay.⁠ For a paper copy, please contact the Council's Street Services at DogControl@gwynedd.llyw.cymru or telephone 01766 771000. ⁠ The questionnaire closes on Sunday, 4 August 2024.