Gwynedd & Ynys Môn Youth Justice Service rated as 'Good'

Date: 31/05/2024

Gwynedd & Ynys Môn Youth Justice Service (YJS) has received an overall rating of ‘Good’ following an inspection by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation.


The service was inspected and rated across three broad areas: the arrangements for organisational delivery of the service, the quality of work done with children sentenced by the courts, and the quality of out-of-court disposal work.   


The Youth Justice Service is hosted by Cyngor Gwynedd and operates across Gwynedd and Ynys Môn, and is a multi-agency team working with children and young people who are at risk of crime or have committed crimes.


Stephen Wood, Manager of Gwynedd and Anglesey Youth Justice Service said: "We are extremely pleased with the overall 'Good' rating which has been announced following the inspection of the service.


"The inspectorate identified many areas of good practice including strong partnership arrangements that steer and provide resources for working effectively with children and families; a group of staff who are well supported and supervised; and evidence that children and parents are actively involved in planning and delivering support.


"We are pleased that the high quality of engagement and support that Youth Justice Service staff offer to children, young people and their families was highlighted. And of course, we are grateful to the children, young people and their families who took the time to talk to the inspectors and give them feedback.


"We also have a few areas to improve, and we have already started the process of implementing these recommendations.”


The report noted: “The service is child focused, committed to helping children to desist from further offending. An individualised approach helps to ensure that children’s diversity needs are recognised, and support put in place to help them thrive and achieve positive decision-making. Staff and volunteers are a strength. They are kind, thoughtful, work well together as one team, and are positive advocates for the children they supervise.”