The Cyngor Gwynedd Plan 2023-28
The purpose of the Plan is to set out the Council’s vision and priorities for the period between April 2023 and the end of March 2028. The Plan explains why we are focusing our energy and resources in certain areas.
The Plan includes a series of project for the next five years under seven priority fields.
A Welsh Gwynedd
Ensuring that we give our residents every possible opportunity to use the Welsh language in the community.
A Welsh Gwynedd: View details
An Efficient Gwynedd
Putting the residents of Gwynedd first and treating them fairly and ensuring that the Council performs effectively and efficiently.
An Efficient Gwynedd: View details
PDF version of the Plan
Click on the link below to download a pdf version of the Council Plan:
Cyngor Gwynedd Plan 2023-28 (pdf version)
Cyngor Gwynedd Plan 2023-28: 2024/25 Review
A short video introducing The Cyngor Gwynedd Plan 2023-28:
This video information is also available as a Text Transcript with Description of Visuals
Well-being Statement
The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 places a duty on public bodies in Wales to improve economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being. We have reviewed our well-being objectives as part of the process of forming the Council Plan for 2023-28.
Cyngor Gwynedd Well-being Statement
Previous editions
Cyngor Gwynedd Plan 2018-2023 (2022/23)
Cyngor Gwynedd Plan 2018-2023 (2021/22)
Cyngor Gwynedd Plan 2018-2023 (2020/21)
Cyngor Gwynedd Plan 2018-2023 (2019/20)
Cyngor Gwynedd Plan 2018-2023 (2018/19)
More information