Air Quality Management - Updating and Screening Assessment

The Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) is a process where every Local Authority is required to periodically review the air quality within its area.

The main purpose of this is to ascertain whether air quality objectives prescribed within the Air Quality (Wales) Regulations 2000 and the Air Quality (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002 are likely to be met.

View 2023 Air Quality Progress Report

Gwynedd Council implements LAQM through a network of roadside nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube monitoring locations and a smaller number of sulphur dioxide diffusion tube monitoring locations at sensitive areas.  The Council also operates a dust (PM10) monitor that can be mobilised to areas of concern, for example properties close to quarries.

The data and interpretation in these documents determines whether or not a ‘Detailed Assessment’ needs to be carried out for a specific pollutant at a specific location, and then the possible creation of an ‘Air Quality Management Area’.

Gwynedd Council has not yet had to progress to a ‘Detailed Assessment’ anywhere. 

Monthly diffusion tube data can be found on the Welsh Air Quality Forum website.