Welsh Language Standards and Policy

Welsh Language Standards

Cyngor Gwynedd have committed to comply with the Welsh Language Standards, as set out by the Welsh Government under Section 44 of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011. 

View Welsh Language Standards
These Standards set clear expectations on the Council to provide services in Welsh to the public, and to promote the use of the Welsh language through all the services

The Language Standards are divided into 5 different categories

  • Service Delivery
  • Policy Making
  • Operational
  • Record Keeping
  • Promotion

We produce and publish annual reports on our compliance with the Welsh Language Standards, and report on developments in the establishment during the year to strengthen its Welsh language services.


View Welsh Language Report Standards 2023/24



Language Policy

In the full Council meeting on the 6 October 2022 it was agreed to adopt a revised Welsh Language Policy:

View Cyngor Gwynedd's Welsh Language Policy

The policy affirms the commitment of the Council to operate according to the principles of the Welsh Language Standards, to take advantage of all opportunities to facilitate the use of the Welsh language in its services and by the residents of the county, and reflects the ambition of the Council to promote and raise the profile of the Welsh language through all of it’s work. 



The Language and Scrutiny Unit will deal with any complaints that relate to compliance with the Welsh Language Standards or the Council’s Language Policy, or complaints regarding a failure to provide Welsh Language Services, and will do so by following the same requirements as the corporate complaint procedure.

The steps for dealing with Language complaints are detailed in this document

You can contact the unit directly by emailing iaith@gwynedd.llyw.cymru

You also have a right to direct a complaint that relates to the Welsh Language Standards directly to the Welsh Language Commissioner


Language Committee

The committee, which includes 15 councillors, addresses the strategic direction of the Welsh language, and ensures compliance with the Language Standards and the Council's language policy requirements. Further information


More information

More statistics about the state of the Welsh language in Gwynedd can be found in the Key statistics and data section and language profiles for each of the county’s wards.


You can contact the Language and Scrutiny Unit with any queries regarding the Language Policy or the Council’s commitment to the Language Standards by emailing iaith@gwynedd.llyw.cymru