Support Funds (SPF)

As part of the UK Shared Prosperity programme, around £20m has been earmarked for Gwynedd County with some of the money committed for the establishment of funds for supporting  Regeneration, Culture, Events and Healthy and Active projects  a. As part of the scheme Cyngor Gwynedd is opening 3 Funds;

  1. Regeneration Support Fund
  2. Culture, Events, Healthy Living and Active Support Fund
  3. Business Support Fund

The Regeneration, Cultural Support, Events, Healthy Living and Active Funds invite expressions of interest by not-for-profit organisations (including event organisers and social enterprises) to support projects that will improve the quality of  residents and communities, on an application submission basis. 

The Regeneration Support Fund is now closed. See a list of supported projects below. 

Projects funded through the Regeneration Support Fund

Contact details:

The Live Healthy and Active fund has now closed.

The Events Support Fund has now closed.