Register a birth

You can register the birth of a baby who is born in Gwynedd at any of Gwynedd’s registry offices by prior arrangements. Registration will take about 30 minutes. 

Arrange an appointment online

Or call us on 01766 771000.


Can you ensure you bring the following with you to your appointment to check and sign the register;

  • A black or blue pen for signing
  • Proof of ID for both parents so you can check the information recorded against your ID

Please note the register page is a legal document and any errors noticed after signing are unable to be changed without a formal correction application. All applications for a correction will incur a £83 or £99 consideration fee and have to be sent to our head office along with evidence of the correct information for a decision to be made and can take months to be approved, as such it is vital that you check all the information on the register is correct before signing.  

To cancel an appointm
ent: If you are unable to attend the appointment it is important that you let us know. Call 01766 771000. 

If you live in Gwynedd and the baby is born outside the county, you can give a declaration of the birth at any of Gwynedd’s registry offices by prior arrangement. The Gwynedd registration office will then send the information on to the registration office in the area where the baby was born. 

Arrange an appointment online

Or call us on 01766 771000.


To cancel an appointment: If you are unable to attend the appointment it's important you let us know. Call 01766 771000.

Births can also be registered directly with the registration office in the area where the baby was born. For information about other registration districts please visit

  • date and place of birth, sex, first name(s) and surname of the baby
  • mother’s full name (and maiden name); date and place of birth; usual address; occupation (optional); date of wedding (if married to the baby’s father); number of other children
  • to register the details of father/second parent the registrar will need the full name; date and place of birth; occupation at time of birth (or previous occupation) 

When you register the birth of a baby, you will be offered to purchase a short or a full birth certificate. The short birth certificate is adequate for claiming child benefits, but other official processes may ask for the full certificate.

  • Cost Standard birth certificate: £12.50 per copy during the registration
  • How to pay? You can pay during the registration appointment with cash, debit / credit card, cheque or postal order payable to ‘Cyngor Gwynedd’. 

PLEASE NOTE: If the baby has been born outside of Gwynedd and you are giving a statutory declaration of the birth, any additional copies must be paid for by cheque or postal order payable to the relevant registration district (not Cyngor Gwynedd). The registrar can advise you on the day.

You can buy additional copies of birth certificates at any time. For prices of additional copies, go to the copies of birth certificates page on this website. 


More information

For more information call us on: 01766 771000.