Discounts and exemptions

Below is an outline of the different discounts and exemptions available.

If you don't receive a discount and believe that you are eligible, contact us:

Enquire about discounts / exemptions

 Occupancy Review



The full Council Tax bill assumes that there are 2 adults living in the property. If there is just one adult living in your home, you are entitled to a discount of 25%.

Receive or cancel single person discount

Single person discount review

Some may be entitled to a discount because they, or others who are living with you are not counted in deciding how many adults live in a property. For example, full time students, hospital patients, people with severe learning disabilities. If everyone who lives in the household are disregarded for the purpose of calculating your Council Tax, then the discount granted could be up to 50%.

Referred to nationally as 'Severely Mentally Impaired'

Promoted recently by Welsh Government and the programme / website Money Saving Expert, Martin Lewis.

You may be entitled to a discount if there is a room in your property that has been adapted for, and is mainly used by a person with a disability. For example an extra bathroom, second kitchen or another essential room associated with the disability.  No discount will be available if the only modified part of your home is the normal kitchen, normal bathroom or normal toilet.



A list of the different classes of exemption: 

  • property occupied only by students (class N)
  • students halls of residence (class M)
  • property owned by the Secretary of State for Defence which is held for armed forces accommodation (class O)
  • property occupied by visiting forces (class P)
  • dwellings occupied only by under 18 year olds (class S)
  • dwellings occupied only by those with learning difficulties / mental health disorder (class U)
  • dwellings which are the sole or main residence of a person who is not a British citizen, who has diplomatic privileges and who would be liable for Council Tax were it not for this exemption (class V)
  • dwellings which form part of a single property (e.g. annexes) which are occupied by a dependant relative of the person living in the other part. A relative is dependant if he / she is 65 years old, with learning difficulties / mental health disorder OR disabled (class W)
  • dwellings with one or more care leaver (aged 24 or under, and a category 3 young person as defined by the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014) and where every resident are either a care leaver, a student or someone with learning dificulties /mental health disorder - exemption effective from 1st April 2019 only (class X)    

A list of the different classes of exemption:

  • unoccupied and unfurnished property which needs or is undergoing major repairs or structural alteration. This exemption is limited to a maximum of 12 months, even if no work has been carried out. (An exemption will last for 6 months after the work is finished, but only to a maximum of 12 months exemption as a whole) (class A)
  • unoccupied property owned and previously used by a charity (exemption lasts for 6 months) (class B)
  • unoccupied and basically unfurnished property (exemption lasts for 6 months) (class C)
  • unoccupied property which is the home of someone who has gone to prison (class D)
  • unoccupied property which was the home of someone who has gone to a residential home or a hospital to receive residential care (class E)
  • unoccupied property which is awaiting for probate or letters of administration to be granted (exemption lasts until probate is granted and for 6 months after this provided that the property remains in the hands of the personal representative) (class F)
  • property which is unoccupied because occupation is forbidden by law (class G)
  • unoccupied property which is waiting to be occupied by a minister of religion (class H)
  • unoccupied property which was the home of someone who has moved into another residence (not a residential home or hospital) to receive personal care (class I)
  • property left unoccupied by someone who has moved away to provide personal care for another person (class J)
  • unoccupied property which was the home of one or more students (exemption lasts as long as the person who would normally pay the council tax bill remains a student) (class K)
  • unoccupied property where a mortgage lender is in possession (class L)
  • unoccupied property where the person who would normally pay the council tax bill is a bankrupt's or insolvent's trustee (class Q)
  • unoccupied caravan pitch or mooring (class R)
  • unoccupied annexes which cannot be let separately (class T)

Up to an additional 12 months, on empty properties, with major structural alteration taking place – available for first time buyers.

It extends the period of exemption up to 12 months from paying the Council Tax (Class A), for first time buyers, where the property is to be their sole or main residence once the work is complete.

The additional 12 months is granted where the building work is essential, with the work being to a standard comparable to a Class A exemption application.

It is applicable in instances where the exemption has been used by a prior owner or that the work can not be completed with good reason within the 12 months period.  

Send an email with relevant details


If your application for a discount is refused please remember that you have the right to appeal- firstly to the Council and if refused again, to the Valuation Tribunal. Details of the Tribunal would be sent on refusal of your appeal.