Home > Residents > Have your say > Consultation results > 2024 > Care Charging Policy Consultation

Care Charging Policy Consultation

The consultation period has ended. The results will be available soon.


The intention is to update Cyngor Gwynedd's care charging policy to ensure that the policy continues to comply with the requirements of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, which requires that no one pays more than they can reasonably afford.

The Council is required to review its fees in a timely manner to ensure that the fees charged reflect the actual costs of providing services.

What is being considered?

In order to ensure a balanced and sustainable budget for the future, one consideration will be to add the right for the Council to charge for specific services that have historically been free (for example day care services).

It is important to note that the Welsh Government sets a maximum on what Councils can charge as fees for care.No individual will pay more than £100 per week for their non-residential care (Any care that is not provided in a residential or registered nursing home). Each individual will also have the right to a financial assessment in order to determine their contribution in accordance with their financial situation.


Have your say


The consultation period has ended. The results will be available soon.





What will happen then?

The results of the consultation will feed into recommendations of modifications to the policy which will go before the Council's cabinet shortly in 2025.