
What is telecare?

Telecare is a monitoring service that allows you to call for help day or night, through a touch of a button, or by using a series of automatic sensors fitted in the home.

Telecare is a preventative way of providing remote care to residents. It is used to reduce risks within your home and to enable individuals to live as independently as possible.

Watch the video below to learn more about telecare, and how a telecare package could benefit you or someone you know:


What equipment is available?

Our telecare package includes:

  • Digital telecare unit with neck or wrist-worn pendant
  • Smoke detector 

How does the service work?

The process of installing a telecare package is quick and easy. The only thing that’s needed is an electrical socket nearby, then we’ll be able to arrange an appointment for one of our installers to visit you.

Once the equipment has been installed in your home, you will be able to press the button on your pendant to call for assistance. This will trigger an automatic call to the Galw Gofal monitoring centre through your new telecare unit.


What is the cost?

There is a £5.55 a week* fee for the telecare package.

This weekly fee covers:

  • telecare equipment rental cost
  • 24-hour monitoring cost
  • maintenance costs
  • installation costs

*Please note that Cyngor Gwynedd reviews all social care fees annually, therefore the weekly charge for telecare services is subject to change.


How do I register?

To register for the telecare service complete the online form below:

Apply online: Telecare service 

Or phone: 01286 682842 

If you are a Housing Association tenant (Adra, Grŵp Cynefin, North Wales Housing etc), you can contact them directly to discuss the telecare service they provide.


Not sure if telecare is the answer for you?

We understand that the telecare package won't meet everyone's needs. As a result, the service also provides more specialist equipment in some circumstances e.g. epilepsy sensors, falls detectors. To discuss specialist equipment you can contact your social worker or your local social services team

On the other hand, if you’re seeking unbiased advice about equipment and services that could make your day-to-day life easier, then why not complete an online self-assessment on the Helpu’n Hun page? 

The questionnaire is free and easy, and the Helpu’n Hun self-assessment tool allows you to access advice 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. The process is simple, choose the topic you'd like help with, and then answer a few simple questions about yourself and your environment. Based on your answers, Helpu’n Hun will be able to suggest:

  • Ideas and advice on how to make your life easier.
  • Details of tools and resources that may benefit you, and information on where to find them.
  • Contact details for more advice and support if needed.

For more information visit Helpu'n Hun: online self-assessment tool