How to get help - apply for an assessment

To request an assessment contact us


What is an assessment?

An 'assessment' is a conversation. It helps us find out what is important to you now and in the future to keep you safe and healthy. We will talk about the things that are going well and things that are not so good in your life now. We will ask you what kind of life you would like and what you would like to achieve.

Together we will identify what strengths and / or resources are available to you. We will talk about the people around you and in your community. They may be able and willing to help you overcome obstacles and achieve what is important to you.

Assessments should be appropriate and proportionate to meet your communication and cultural needs. It should consider your strengths and the obstacles to achieving what is important to you.

There are five elements to 'assessment'. These must be considered before a decision can be made about your care and support needs and how they can be met.

The five are:

  1. Personal Circumstances
  2. Personal Objectives (what is important to you)
  3. Obstacles to achieving what is important to you
  4. Your strengths and abilities
  5. Risks


What will happen following an assessment? 

The assessment can lead to sharing advice about the preventative services available and we will discuss how to access them. Or the assessment can lead to the development of a managed Care and Support Plan.

We can give you information over the phone, electronically and on paper leaflets, or we can refer you to someone who can help. Relevant and timely information will help you make the right decisions.

How long will we have to wait for an assessment? 

When there is great urgency, an emergency or a serious risk of harm, we aim to start the assessment within 24 hours. If you are eligible, we will arrange for the service to start immediately. By saying 'if you are eligible', it is meant

  1. that your circumstances involve physical or mental illness
  2. there is a change to your ability to maintain habits such as taking care of your personal care and maintaining your home
  3. that you are unable to achieve what is important to you on your own or with the help and support of family, friends or support available from the community or the third sector.
  4. That it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve what is important to you without help from the local authority

Otherwise we will contact you to arrange the time of the assessment.


How do I apply for an assessment?

To request an assessment please contact us:

Request an assessment: Contact us