Outdoor spaces and buildings: Age Friendly Action Plan

Communities thrive from having outdoor spaces and buildings that welcome everyone, from community hubs to gardens to friendship benches and other initiatives that make people feel that they belong. Having enough of these spaces where people of all ages can spend time together builds community resilience.

Age-friendly partners offer various opportunities within these categories, and will continue to work together to develop further opportunities, taking into account the findings from Ardal Ni 2035 to fill the gaps


Our Action Plan

  • Following the findings of Ardal Ni 2035 consultation the Regeneration Officers in Cyngor Gwynedd will continue to work with local organisations, groups, and various age-friendly partners to ensure that developments are made in areas where gaps have been recognised.
  • Various Age-Friendly Gwynedd partners will hold events across Gwynedd in 2024-25 including ‘Preparing for Winter’ events and ‘5 ways to well-being’ events. They will include information, activities, and older people’s forums. All these events will be co-organised by some age-friendly partners.
  • Bridging the gap between schools and care homes to ensure there are more intergenerational opportunities across Gwynedd is something that has already started. An intergenerational handbook will be shared with each school, community hub, care home, and various partners to encourage connections.
  • North Wales Housing Association, ADRA, and Grŵp Cynefin are all working on becoming accredited in the intergenerational field to be able to offer more intergenerational community opportunities.
  • Local councillors and staff from age-friendly partners will continue to go around local areas and talk with individuals. This will include attending events, as well as walking around communities and having conversations with people on their doorsteps.


Case Studies

Working with various partners, groups, and local artists across Gwynedd, over 20 Friendship Benches have been built and painted. Each Friendship Bench was created by working with various local groups of all ages and a local artist. The artwork on each bench was inspired by local history and what was important for the local participants in each location. The benches project brought people together within the workshops to design the benches, and later when they were placed in their localities as a social asset. The bench at each location encouraged conversation, and the importance of looking out for individuals within your own community, leading to reduced social isolation

Across Gwynedd ten Community Hubs have been set up with each one offering something a little different. One of the community hubs is Porthi Dre which is based in Caernarfon.

Porthi Dre offers a packed week of activities for older people in the area. Every Monday Clwb Seiont offers a variety of activities and hot lunches, and of course the most important element being a chance to socialise. A free hot lunch is also available every Tuesday and Thursday at Rhannu Sgran where a warm nutritious meal is served as well as a chance to enjoy a chat with other attendees.

Other weekly clubs in the hub include Caban Cofis, similar to Men's Sheds, and Pwytho Dre a weekly sewing group, as well as a cuppa and cake drop in. Various third sector organisations hold dropin and information sessions at the venue also