Respect and Social Inclusion: Age Friendly Action Plan

Respect for individuals of all ages is important in any community but by bringing people of all ages together with intergenerational projects we can ensure that we teach different generations the importance of respecting each other.

Respect can also be built by raising awareness e.g dementia awareness.

An inclusive community includes the importance of having buildings, pavements, and areas that are inclusive, accessible, and welcoming to everyone.

Our Action Plan

  • Communities across Gwynedd will become Dementia Friendly Communities, receiving support from Dementia Actif Gwynedd, the Regional Partnership Board, and Cyngor Gwynedd.
  • Dementia Actif Gwynedd and Cyngor Gwynedd will continue to offer Dementia Friends sessions ensuring that more people across Gwynedd become Dementia Friends.
  • The purpose of bridging the generations is to create new connections between children and people of every age. This will increase the respect and understanding between the generations and create stronger communities. Schools, organisations, care homes, and other community initiatives across Gwynedd will continue to work together to build on intergenerational opportunities.


Case Studies

Another initiative delivered by O Ddrws i Ddrws is a project called Lôn i Les (Road to Wellbeing) aimed at getting people out and about following the lockdowns. They take individuals and groups to local events and social occasions and even arrange some themselves. Lôn i Les has been running since 2021 and currently supports about 65 individuals from all over Llŷn to attend various activities including guest speakers, afternoon teas, and craft sessions.

The scheme reduces loneliness and isolation and brings people together to socialise. Since the Covid lockdown many individuals have found it difficult to get out and about to activities, and many have given up driving. Initiatives such as Lôn i Les support those individuals to be active members of their communities by allowing them access to all kinds of activities.

The Dementia Actif Gwynedd team has worked to increase dementia awareness across the county. By raising awareness around dementia, social inclusion for those living with dementia is improved within our communities. The sessions were prepared by Alzheimer’s Society and delivered by Cyngor Gwynedd staff and Dementia Actif Gwynedd staff members. The sessions challenge the stigma and myths surrounding dementia and raise awareness around the small changes we can all make in our daily lives to support those around us who live with dementia.

Over the years we have raised awareness among many hundreds of people around the county and delivered the session to a total of 1,133 in 2023 alone. Sessions were delivered to a variety of groups including friends and families of those living with dementia, care home staff, community groups, and schools

Working with the in-house IT department at Cyngor Gwynedd we have also been able to add a new feature to the Dementia Friends’ session which includes a VR experience.

Dementia Actif Gwynedd also arranged for the Dementia VR Bus to attend various locations across the county (training provided by training2care). This training was offered to friends, families, caregivers and care workers across Gwynedd.