The Dementia Actif Gwynedd team has worked to increase dementia awareness across the county. By raising awareness around dementia, social inclusion for those living with dementia is improved within our communities. The sessions were prepared by Alzheimer’s Society and delivered by Cyngor Gwynedd staff and Dementia Actif Gwynedd staff members. The sessions challenge the stigma and myths surrounding dementia and raise awareness around the small changes we can all make in our daily lives to support those around us who live with dementia.
Over the years we have raised awareness among many hundreds of people around the county and delivered the session to a total of 1,133 in 2023 alone. Sessions were delivered to a variety of groups including friends and families of those living with dementia, care home staff, community groups, and schools
Working with the in-house IT department at Cyngor Gwynedd we have also been able to add a new feature to the Dementia Friends’ session which includes a VR experience.
Dementia Actif Gwynedd also arranged for the Dementia VR Bus to attend various locations across the county (training provided by training2care). This training was offered to friends, families, caregivers and care workers across Gwynedd.