Social Participation: Age Friendly Action Plan

Being able to stay connected is essential, and across Gwynedd communities offer various activities, locations, and events to allow individuals the opportunity to participate socially. Social participation can differ from area to area, and also for each individual, ranging from opportunities to get involved in forums and workshops to attending a craft class or a chat over a cup of tea. Our age-friendly partners listen to what people want locally and cater, when possible, to what’s needed.

Some partners also offer small community grants to help communities and groups to offer social participation activities across Gwynedd.


Our Action Plan

  • Following the findings of Ardal Ni 2035 consultation the Regeneration Officers in Cyngor Gwynedd will continue to work with local organisations, groups, and various age-friendly partners to ensure that developments are made in areas where gaps have been recognised.
  • Various Age-Friendly Gwynedd partners will hold events across Gwynedd in 2024-25 including ‘Preparing for Winter’ events and ‘5 ways to well-being’ events. They will include information, activities, and older people’s forums. All these events will be co-organised by some age-friendly partners.
  • Bridging the gap between schools and care homes to ensure there are more intergenerational opportunities across Gwynedd is something that has already started. An intergenerational handbook will be shared with each school, community hub, care home, and various partners to encourage connections.
  • North Wales Housing Association, ADRA, and Grŵp Cynefin are all working on becoming accredited in the intergenerational field to be able to offer more intergenerational community opportunities.
  • Local councillors and staff from age-friendly partners will continue to go around local areas and talk with individuals. This will include attending events, as well as walking around communities and having conversations with people on their doorsteps. 

Case Studies

Cyngor Gwynedd appointed a full-time Bridging the Generations Co-ordinator in July 2018, and at the same time worked in partnership with Bangor University and KESS 2 to conduct research looking into the effect of intergenerational work across Gwynedd. The work, carried out by an early career researcher, resulted in a MSc research thesis which looked into bridging people and their community: “The challenges and obstacles facing intergenerational work”.

This has also been covered in an academic article that emphasises Gwynedd’s work as being the first local authority to appoint a full-time intergenerational co-ordinator, whilst discussing current challenges and aspirations within the field.

Intergenerational work has been an important part of Cyngor Gwynedd’s Age Friendly journey because it’s a way to bring generations together, build community resilience and reduce loneliness. The work was carried out in various forms by a variety of partners. View a report on the three first months of 2023 with funding received from Welsh Government and Public Health Wales Betsi Cadwaladr.

Around Gwynedd, we have held various forums and events to hear the voices of older adults and share information. As Gwynedd is geographically a large area, we have trialed many initiatives, including local area forums where we have shared information and heard from individuals living in those areas. As well as arranging events and forums, we also attend groups that already meet and present our work and have a conversation with those that attend.

Another priority in Gwynedd is the cost-of-living challenge, and we have been working in partnership with the local Tackling Poverty Team, attending community meetings and Hubs around Gwynedd. This shows the importance of working in partnership to reach an support people.