Location: Caban Bach, Rhes Meirion, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Gwynedd. LL41 3UA
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 7:30am – 5:30pm
Morning session: 8:30yb – 11:00yb
Afternoon session: 1:00yh – 3:30yh
Phone: 07493411521
E-mail: meithrinfaolawilaw@hotmail.com
Leader: Shannon Roberts

My name is Shannon Roberts. I have a level 6 degree in early childhood studies.
I have worked at Meithrinfa O Law i Law for the past two years. During my time here I've been fortunate to attend various courses and better my knowledge within the early years sector. For the past year i have been the room leader, i am eager to aid in children’s development and love to watch them develop whilst learning through play.