The Childcare Offer for Wales

What is the offer?

Parents and guardians can apply for childcare and early education for up to 30 hours a week. Foster carers and kinship carers (relative or friend who is not a child’s parent) can also apply.

30 hours a week is made up of:

To be eligible for the Childcare Offer Wales:

  • you must live in Wales
  • each parent's gross income must be £100,000 or less per year

In addition, you must also meet one of the following criteria:

  • employed and earn at least, on average, the equivalent to working 16 hours a week at National Minimum Wage or Living Wage.
  • on Statutory Pay and Leave (Sick, Maternity, Paternity, Parental, Bereavement or Adoption Leave)
  • enrolled on a further or higher education course that is at least 10 weeks in length
Your child can start the offer on
 Your Child turns 3 between?Your child can start the offer on? start 
 1 September to 31 December   Beginning of the term on or after 1 January
 1 January to 31 March   Start of the term on or after 1 April
 1 April to 31 August   Start of the term on or after 1 September


Please follow the below link below to make an application:

Get 30 hours of childcare for 3 and 4 year olds: Apply | GOV.WALES


More Information:

Information for Childcare Providers: 

Contact us:

Parents are responsible for finding childcare that meets their requirements, however the Family Information Service can provide details of the childcare which is available in your area, please contact either:

Gwynedd Family Information Service