Building Control

The main purpose of the Building Regulations is to:

  • secure reasonable standards of health and safety for persons in or about buildings
  • energy conservation
  • access and facilities for people with disabilities

Planning Permission and Building Regulations are two different things. 

Building work needing approval

In general, most building work requires Building Regulations approval, including:

  • erection of a new building, re-erection of an existing building or change of use of a building
  • extension or alteration of a building, including loft conversions and garages
  • installation, alteration or extension of a controlled service or fittings to a building
  • replacement of window(s) / door(s)
  • internal structural alterations, such as the removal of a load-bearing wall or partition;
  • installation of certain heat producing appliances;
  • underpinning of foundations
  • installation and alterations of most electrical circuits within dwellings; and
  • alterations and refurbishments of certain “thermal elements” and services.

Acceptable safety levels and construction standards are set out as guidance within booklets referred to as Approved Documents. 

To check if you need Building Regulations approval, please contact us.

Submit a building regulations application

There are different types of building regulation applications. You can usually choose the type of application you submit, but it is important that you are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each option.


View Building Control charges 2024/2025 

View Building Control's Privacy Notice

View the Building Control area map 

Extending your home

For advice on home improvements, building regulations, contracts, working with builders and designers, planning permission and much more go to the LABC Front Door website.


When building work starts on the site

The Council’s Building Control Surveyor will need to inspect the work on the site regularly to ensure that all the building standards are met. 

It is important that the builder or owner notifies the Building Surveyor at certain stages of the building work. Contact us to arrange a site visit.


Anyone intending to carry out demolition work within the area is required to notify Cyngor Gwynedd.

More information about demolition and applying for a demolition notice


Completion Certificates

Once building work has been completed in accordance with Building Regulations and your Building Control Surveyor is satisfied that all the appropriate inspections have been carried out, a Completion Certificate can be issued.

This certificate is your assurance that the work has been inspected by a qualified Building Control Surveyor and as far as can be reasonably ascertained complies with the appropriate Building Regulations.

Health and safety

If you are carrying out building or renovation work it is also possible that you will need to inform the Health and Safety Executive as there is a possibility you have additional responsibilities.

For further information visit the Health and Safety Executive website.


Radon Gas

Every building contains radon but the levels are usually low. The chances of a higher level depend on the type of ground. Public Health England has published a map showing where high levels are more likely in England and Wales.

For further information visit the Radon Gas website.