School Transport in situations where it is not possible to open a school (or part of a school) Policy Temporary travel arrangements will be introduced in situations where it is not possible to open a catchment school (or part of a catchment school) for a period of time.
Situations such as these may arise, for example, when it has not been possible to staff a school, or a school has suffered damage (e.g. a fire). The arrangements could be for the whole age range of a school, or for a specific age range in a school (depending on the circumstances).
When it is not possible to open a catchment school (or part of a catchment school) it will be considered that the catchment area of the school which cannot be opened becomes part of a different catchment area (e.g. the catchment of a neighbouring school (or a more extended catchment area if needs be) in order to ensure the availability of a suitable Building to house the school).
The Council’s normal School Transport Policy will be applied to this temporary different and new catchment area.
So - transport will be provided to learners who live in the County and who have registered in a school maintained by the Council
- Primary schools – for learners who live 2 miles or more from the nearest school (or suitable building) in the new, different, temporary catchment area where places are available, or to a school which is not in the new, different temporary catchment area, but is closer to the learner’s home (does not include nursery class pupils)
- Secondary schools – for learners under 16 years old who live 3 miles or more from the nearest school (or suitable building) in the new, different, temporary catchment area where places are available, or to a school which is not in the new, different temporary catchment area, but is closer to the learner’s home.