Warm Spaces - Croeso Cynnes
Is the house cold? Fancy a chat or a cup of tea?
A number of locations across Gwynedd want to offer a warm welcome for anyone to come in for a warm shelter, chat and a cup of tea.
Click on the map below to find a "Warm Space" near you:
Map: Warm Spaces
The map is updated with new warm spaces regularly. If you need the information in a different format please contact us: mannaucroesocynnes@gwynedd.llyw.cymru
Do you offer a Warm Space?
If you are an organisation, community centre or local business who is offering a "Warm Space" do let us know so that we can add your details on the map.
Register your organisation / business
If you want to know more about establishing a space to offer a warm welcome, please e-mail: mannaucroesocynnes@gwynedd.llyw.cymru