Ymwelwyr Wi-fi service terms and conditions

Wi-Fi acceptable usage policy

Current rules for the appropriate usage of Gwynedd’s public Wi-Fi Access.

The service

Cyngor Gwynedd provides free wireless Internet hotspots (Wi-Fi) for visitors. The free Wi-Fi service offered by Cyngor Gwynedd is an open, unsecured, but partially filtered network provided for your convenience; its use is solely at your own risk.

Please note that no printing facilities are available to Wi-Fi users.

On health and safety grounds, users are not allowed to plug their devices into Cyngor Gwynedd electrical outlets.

Parental responsibility and child safety on the internet

Children and young adults aged under 18 may only use the service under the adult supervision of a parent or guardian.

It is solely the responsibility of the parent or guardian to monitor and restrict the content accessed by their children whilst connected to the ‘Ymwelwyr Wi-Fi Service'. Cyngor Gwynedd cannot and will not be responsible for children accessing inappropriate content whilst connecting to the free wireless network with their own device.

Access to the service

To start using this service, connect to the Wireless SSID called “Ymwelwyr Gwynedd”, “Ymwelwyr Ysgolion” or “Byw’n Iach”.  This service is a monitored service, and access is filtered. Your access to the Service is completely at the discretion of Cyngor Gwynedd, and it may be blocked, suspended, or terminated at any time for any reason including, but not limited to, violation of Cyngor Gwynedd’s Internet Acceptable Usage Policy, disruption of access to other Users or networks, and violation of applicable laws or regulations e.g. Illegal downloading or violating copyright laws.

Cyngor Gwynedd Staff cannot assist you in setting up Wi-Fi access on your personal laptop or device. You are responsible for setting up your own equipment; as the configuration of each manufacturer's device is unique, please refer to your documentation for connection instructions.

No guarantee is provided that you will be able to make a wireless connection.

No guarantee is provided that you will be able to access the Internet service or third-party website you require.

This service is provided in partnership with BT Wi-Fi.

Internet security warning

The Service provided is not inherently secure and by using the Service, you acknowledge and knowingly assume all risks with security regards relating to accessing the Internet over an unsecured network. You also agree to all terms set forth in the Acceptable Internet Usage Police and Disclaimer.

Cyngor Gwynedd cannot and do not guarantee the privacy or safety of your data and communication while using the service, and cannot and will not take responsibility for damage incurred from incorrect, insufficient or incomplete security settings or lack of up-to-date virus protection.

It is solely the user's responsibility to configure their device with the appropriate security settings, firewall and anti-virus protection to control access from other wireless devices and the Internet itself, without which:

  • information sent from or to your laptop can potentially be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software;
  • you are exposed to programs, such as viruses, worms and Trojans, which can damage your computer and data;
  • your computer may be attacked by unauthorized or unwanted third parties.

Cyngor Gwynedd Staff cannot advise you on how to protect yourself and cannot be responsible for assisting you in setting up security on your personal device.

Online Banking, other financial services and personal or confidential data

Internet access provided by the Service is not secure and should not be used to transfer financial and other personal or confidential data.

Cyngor Gwynedd is not responsible for the misuse of personal information entered on websites.

Physical equipment security warning

You, the user are solely responsible for the security and safety of your equipment, papers and personal belongings.

Please do not leave your wireless laptop, PDA or other device unattended at any time.

Cyngor Gwynedd cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage incurred to your personal devices.