Highlife Rope Access Ltd

Business name: Highlife Rope Access Ltd

Location: Bethesda

Grant received: £10,264.59

For Highlife Rope Access Ltd, a Cyngor Gwynedd Business Development Grant of £10,264.59 has been instrumental in transforming the company’s capacity to grow. Specialising in working-at-height solutions, the funding has allowed the business to expand its rope access services and take on larger-scale projects, elevating its business capacity.    

The grant has also enabled the company to launch an apprenticeship program ahead of schedule, addressing a critical skills gap in the heritage restoration sector. This initiative not only ensures the future of specialised rope access techniques but also passes on essential expertise in preserving historic buildings. Additionally, the funding has enabled Highlife to invest in training while keeping heritage restoration projects more accessible and affordable. 

“Receiving the grant has opened a lot of doors with great benefits to stakeholders of ancient buildings,” - Alex Haslehurst, Owner and Managing Director.  

By preserving and passing on heritage skills, Highlife Rope Access Ltd is helping ensure that the region's irreplaceable architectural heritage remains protected and appreciated for generations to come.