Common land and village greens

We keep details of all commons and village greens on registers. These registers are open to public inspection.

Who can use Common Land?

Common Land is subject to "rights of common" such as right to graze stock. These rights are not enjoyed by the public at large but by designated commoners, usually by the rights being attached to the property they occupy, often adjoining a Common.

This is a complex part of the law, and it is advised that you consider seeking independent local/legal advice about the exact status of the land and its users before attempting to do anything on what you think might be common land or village greens.

Further information about these rights can be found on the registers.

How to view the registers?

The registers can be viewed at our offices by prior arrangement. Please contact us using the contact details below:

  • Caernarfon Office – Arfon and Dwyfor areas
    Phone: 01286) 679647
    Address: Local Land Searches, Cyngor Gwynedd, Council Offices, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1SH
  • Dolgellau Office – Meirionnydd area
    Phone: (01341) 424330
    Address: Local Land Searches, Cyngor Gwynedd, Cae Penarlâg, Dolgellau, Gwynedd, LL40 2YB



We can carry out searches of our Common Land and Village Green Maps to ascertain whether a particular property or piece of land falls within the boundary of a common land or village green. The Common Land Search is now Question 22 on Part 2, Optional Enquiries on the Con29 Search Form. Further information about local land searches.


Contact us

For further information, please contact us:

  • Caernarfon office: (01286) 679647
  • Dolgellau office: (01341) 424330