Local land charges searches
We can provide search information for anyone who would like to buy property or land in the Local Authority Area.
The search is a series of standard questions designed to give any potential buyer as much information as possible about the property.
It is usually a solicitor or a licensed conveyancer who applies to carry out a search.
There are 3 different types of searches:
- LLC1 Form
The LLC1 form will reveal any information listed in the Local Land Charges Register. It will note if there are any outstanding charges, as well as details of any tree preservation orders, renovation grants, conservation, listed buildings etc.
- Con29 Form
A Con29 search is a questionnaire about the land/property sent out to various departments within Cyngor Gwynedd.
Part 1 contains answers to a series of standard questions about the property or land, revealing details of any local plans for the area, building regulations, planning decision, road proposals and so on.
Part 2 gives answers to any additional questions asked such as common land, public paths, completion orders, etc.
- Personal searches
Personal searches appointments are currently unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Anyone can make a personal search. Please note however that this is a search of the local land charges register only, and does not include the majority of the information outlined in the CON29.
If you wish to carry out a personal search, please contact us to arrange an appointment: (you will need the full address of the property/land, the name of the personal searcher and a contact telephone number).
(01286) 679 647
Please note: Part of the Snowdonia National Park falls within the boundaries of Gwynedd. Should a property/land fall within that area, we will gather the relevant planning information from the National Park Authority on your behalf.
You can submit your search online, e-mail or by post. We encourage all searches to be submitted online.
- Online
Use one of the following third party websites to submit a search and pay online:
National Land Information Service
TM Group
- E-mail
E-mail your forms and location plan (with the extent of property to be searched clearly outlined in red) to landcharges@gwynedd.llyw.cymru. We will then contact you to arrange payment.
- By post
Caernarfon Office
Address: Local Land Charges Searches, Cyngor Gwynedd, Council Offices, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1SH
DX: Cyngor Gwynedd, DX713560 CAERNARFON 5
Phone: (01286) 679647
When you submit a search by post, you must provide:
- Original copies and duplicates of the LLC1 and Con29 forms (Search documents LLC1 and Con29, are available from any Law Stationer.)
- 2 copies of an Ordnance Survey Plan with the extent of property to be searched clearly outlined in red
- The relevant fee (see below)
Welsh Water are responsible for all enquiries regarding drainage searches.