
A petroleum storage certificate is required where petrol is stored for dispensing directly into the fuel tank of an internal combustion engine or where large amounts of petrol is stored for private use.

An annual fee is payable for the continuation of the certificate and the ‘keeper’ of the petrol can choose to pay for up to 10 years.

Companies should download the application form below and return it via e-mail or by post (along with the fee) to the address noted on the form.

Application Form


Petrol storage certificate fees

Table to show fees payable for petrol storage certificate fees
Band Cost per year of certificate 
 Band A (up to 2,500L)  £48 
 Band B (between 2,500 and 50,000L)  £65
 Band C (over 50,000L)  £137

The above fees came into effect on the 1st April 2024 by virtue of The Health and Safety Nuclear (Fees) (Amendment) and Gas Safety (Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 2024.


Further information