Timely requests – Every effort will be made to meet the needs of television and film production companies whilst at the same time maintaining services for residents. To ensure fairness for all those using the resources the Council is responsible for, two weeks' notice is required for filming requests. Last minute and short notice requests may not be granted.
Safety – Production companies are responsible for carrying out appropriate risk assessments and ensuring that they have the correct public liability insurance. Cyngor Gwynedd may ask for a copy of the relevant documents.
Fees – A fee may be levied for filming on Council land, more information will be provided during any discussions.
Parking – Production crews are asked to use public car parks to the best of their abilities. The locations and fees of the Council's 'pay and display' car parks can be found here. Any additional requirements can be discussed when processing the request.
Respecting Gwynedd’s communities – Cyngor Gwynedd kindly asks all film crews to respect the county's communities, to park responsibly and take litter home with you.