Formal complaint / Praise
We always appreciate receiving praise for something the Council has done well. Receiving praise can certainly help boost the morale of our staff. Any commendation will always be sent to the relevant service.
Give positive feedback here
On the other hand, from time to time, things don’t go according to plan and we are eager to hear about these incidents too. Complaints often ensure that you receive the Service you are entitled too and improves our Services in the future.
Formal Complaint
You can voice your concerns or submit a complaint to the Council if you are unhappy with the standard of service that you have received from the Council, or if you are unhappy with something the Council or a member of staff has done or has failed to do.
You can now report the following online:
If your complaint is relating to one of the fields below please use the following links:
The first thing you should do if you are unhappy with the service you have received is to contact the officer that has provided that service. If the member of staff is unable to help, they will explain why, and you can ask for an official investigation.
- Submit a complaint / voice a concern online
- Phone: 01766 771000
- Address: Service Improvement Officer, Corporate Support, Gwynedd Council, Shirehall Street, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1SH
- Ask the member of staff you have been in contact with for a copy of the Concerns / Complaints form
If you submit a formal complaint/concern this is what will happen:
- We will formally acknowledge your concern within 5 working days
- We aim to resolve concerns as quickly as possible and expect to deal with the vast majority within 20 working days. If your complaint is more complex we will let you know within this time why we think it may take longer.
- We will give you regular updates on the progress.
If we are unable to resolve the matter, you may complain to the Public Service Ombudsman for Wales. The Ombudsman is independent of all government bodies and can look into your complaint if you think that you personally, or the person on whose on behalf you are complaining have been treated unfairly. You can find the contact details for the Ombudsman on their website.
There are also other organisations that consider complaint, such as the Welsh Language Commissioner about services in Welsh. We can advise you about such organisations.
We would also like to offer an Easy Read copy of this Policy.
If you are under 18 years old and want help to voice your concern or to complain, the following organisations can help you:
Further information
View Gwynedd Council Concerns and Complaints Policy
Or view the Easy Read copy
Phone: 01766 771000
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