Political structure
Cyngor Gwynedd is formed of 69 Councillors who are elected every five years. The 69 Councillors sit on the Full Council, and the Council operates through the Cabinet and Scrutiny Committees.
This is the Council's current political constitution:
The main elements of the Council's political structure are:
The full Council: The 69 Councillors meet to agree on the Council's policies, set the annual budget, make changes to the constitution as required and so forth. The Full Council meets 5 times a year. The meetings are open to the public and are also webcasted due to the limited space in the public gallery.
View meeting dates
We welcome questions by the public.
The Cabinet: The Cabinet consists of 10 Councillors and is chaired by the Council Leader. Each Member has a specific portfolio of responsibilities for areas within the Council’s services. View more information about the Cabinet
Council Chairperson: Cyngor Gwynedd elects a Chairman and Vice-Chairman every 12 months at the Council's annual meeting. The Chairman presides over meetings of the Council and represents Cyngor Gwynedd in civic and ceremonial functions. View details about the current chairperson
For more information..
If you have an inquiry or for further information please contact us:
E-mail: GwasanaethDemocratiaeth@gwynedd.llyw.cymru
There are many different committees including the following.
The Scrutiny Committees: There are 3 scrutiny committees in Gwynedd, which meet at least 5 times a year:
- Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee
- Communities Scrutiny Committee
- Care Scrutiny Committee
View more details in the Scrutiny section.
The Regulating Committees: The Regulating Committees include: The Governance and Audit Committee, the Planning Committee and the Central Licensing Committee
The Standards Committee: The role of the Standards Committee is to promote, sustain and safeguard the behaviour of members within the Council and the probity of all the Council’s proceedings. More information about the Standards Committee.