Standards Committee
This statutory committee has an important role in promoting, maintaining and improving the standards of conduct of the Authority's members and the county's community and town councils.
It is a statutory committee, and has the following responsibilities under the Local Government Act 2000:
- promote and maintain high standards of behaviour by Councillors
- assist the Councillors to follow the Code of Conduct for Members
- advise the Council on the adoption or amendment of the Members' Code of Conduct
- monitoring the implementation of the Members' Code of Conduct
- advise, train or arrange to train Councillors on matters relating to the Members' Code of Conduct.
At Cyngor Gwynedd it also has the following responsibilities:
- monitor the compliance of leaders of political groups on the council with their duties under section 52A(1) of the Local Government Act 2000;
- advise, train or arrange to train leaders of political groups on the council regarding matters relating to those duties.
Members of the Committee
There are 9 members on the Committee:
- 5 Independent Members (who are not members of Cyngor Gwynedd or any town or community council). One of these members will be The Chairman and the Vice-chairman of the Committee.
- 3 Elected Members who are Cyngor Gwynedd councillors.
- Community Member who is a member of a town or community council.
View current membership of the Committee
Meetings of the Standards Committee
View Committee Minutes and Agendas
The Code of Conduct
All councils must adopt a Code of Conduct for their elected and co-opted members. When a member accepts his post he will commit to respect the Code of Conduct of his/her authority.
View Cyngor Gwynedd's Code of Conduct
Cyngor Gwynedd also has a 'Gwynedd Standard' which is a document that explains the standards of behaviour expected from Cyngor Gwynedd councillors when dealing with each other. This document can be seen as an Appendix to the Code of Conduct.
If you want to make a formal complaint that a member has failed to adhere to the Code of Conduct it must be referred to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. If the Ombudsman investigates a complaint he may refer it to the Standards Committee or the Welsh Adjudication Panel to determine if the member has breached the Code of Conduct and whether a sanction would be appropriate.
Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
As well as investigating complaints, the Ombudsman provides information and guidance to elected and co-opted members on the Code of Conduct
Further information can be found on the Ombudsman's website:
Ombudsman website