Drug related litter

Drug related litter is the term used for the waste that a small number of drug users leave after injecting. It normally comprises of needles and syringes. Even though it is not a major problem in Gwynedd, one of Cyngor Gwynedd's priorities is to ensure a safe environment for all residents.

What to do if you find drug related litter?

Report drug related litter online

  • DO NOT touch the equipment
  • DO NOT attempt to pick up or move needles or syringes
  • CALL Cyngor Gwynedd immediately on 01766 771000. The Council will either collect the litter or advise you what to do next.

What are the risks from drug related litter?

  • Drug related litter can carry infections including hepatitis and HIV
  • Exposed sharp objects also put people and animals at risk of injury.

What to do in the event of an injury by a needle?

  • DON'T panic
  • DO NOT suck the wound
  • Encourage it to bleed
  • Put under a constantly running cold tap with soap for 2 minutes
  • Cover the wound with a plaster or dressing
  • Seek medical help immediately
  • Remember that the risk of infection from a discarded needle is low, but you do need to be seen by a medic.

Drug related litter is caused by a small minority of people.

Needle exchange

Needle exchange schemes are mostly provided by pharmacies, or by services which provide treatment for people who have drug misuse problems.

If the service is available the sign below can be seen in the providers window:

NSP logo

If you use the exchange service it is very important that you return the needles/ equipment.

Help and support

If you have drug or alcohol problems, help and support is available.

Contact the DAN 24/7 free bilingual helpline for information about the service that are available for young people and adults who have drug or alcohol problems. Support is also available for carers and families and Dan 24/7 can offer information about other support groups and organisations.

DAN 24/7 phone number: 0808 808 2234

You can also visit the Wales drug and alcohol website to find services in Gwynedd.