In an emergency we will always take action or ensure that other services are available to provide emergency assistance (if an emergency occurs outside normal work hours please call 01248 353 551).
By asking us for help, we will need to carry out an assessment to understand your needs and the kind of help we can offer.
When we get to know you any your circumstances (through the assessment) we will consider:
- whether you’re able to make decisions and choices
- whether we need to safeguard you from yourself or others
- whether you’re able to complete daily activities; including looking after yourself (cleaning, cooking, eating, moving around etc.) and looking after your home
- whether you need support to enjoy a social life, with family or within the community.
Then, we will need to determine the risks involved if no support is available, and the level of support will depend on the risk level. This may sound clinical but we must follow the rules and ensure that everybody is treated fairly.
In other words, we will be concerned if:
- you’re unable to do day to day things to maintain your independence
- you find it difficult to cope; e.g. you (or a carer) are at risk of getting injured or there is risk that current arrangements will break down at home.
- you have been subject to abuse or neglect, or there is a risk of this happening
- your life is in danger in any way
Whoever completes your assessment will determine if you’re eligible to receive support and will explain their decision to you. If you are eligible, we will arrange support for you.