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Cyngor Gwynedd
Health and social care
Help to live independently
Telecare Terms and Conditions
Telecare Terms and Conditions
The Telecare Equipment continues to be the Council's property throughout the Period, and will be returned undamaged.
The User/User's Representative is not permitted to sell, request a charge, or dispose of the equipment unless it is returned to the Council.
The User/User's Representative has agreed to receive Telecare Equipment. In general, the aim of Telecare Equipment is to support the individual to manage risks and continue to live as independently as possible, the Council or the Installers cannot take responsibility if the Telecare Equipment fails in doing so for whatever reason.
It is the responsibility of the User/User's Representative to check, test, and ensure that the Telecare Equipment is fully functioning.
We ask that the User/User's Representative tests the Telecare Equipment at least once a month.
The Council or the Installers are not accountable for any failure to the Telecare Equipment. The Council will not be responsible for any failure of any sensor associated with the Telecare Equipment, and this has been explained to the User/User's Representative prior to the provision of the Telecare Equipment.
The Council, Installers, or the representatives of the Council or Installers have explained how the Telecare Equipment works and the User/User's Representative is agreeing to use the Telecare Equipment in accordance with that explanation and advice.
Whilst your telecare package is in use the Council may need to share your information and information about your responders with Galw Gofal (monitoring centre which is managed by the Conwy Borough County Council).
If the User/User's Representative is not satisfied that the Telecare Equipment has been installed correctly, they should immediately contact
0333 123 6688
If the User/User's Representative wishes to cease use of the Telecare Equipment, the User/User's Representative should contact
01286 682842
If the User’s telecare package includes 24/7 alarm monitoring provision, the User/User's Representative agrees to pay the cost of £5.55 per week for the service. The Council reserves the right to review the fee annually in line with the review of social care fees. The User/User’s Representative acknowledges that the weekly cost of telecare could increase following the annual review. The Council will give Users a month notice if they intend to review the weekly fee at the start of a new financial year.
In addition, the Council retain the right to and to reasonably charge the User/User's Representative for the cost of the Telecare Equipment if:
the Telecare Equipment is not returned at the end of the Period;
the Telecare Equipment cannot be collected as the Council (or representative) is unable to access the address noted above; or
the Telecare Equipment is damaged.
The User/User’s Representative has 14 days from the Installation Date to consider the contract and the above terms. The User/User’s Representative have a right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of the installation date without facing any costs. To cancel individuals should contact
01286 682842