Local Parking Ticket - terms and conditions
- Only homes within a certain distance to a long stay car park can buy a Local Parking Ticket.
- The Local Parking Ticket is only valid at the ONE car park named on the ticket.
- To confirm that the ticket holder is living at the address we will be checking the details provided against the Full Electoral Register. We may ask for further evidence if the name / address provided does not match the information held by us.
- Businesses are not permitted to apply for a Local Parking Ticket.
- The ticket start date and end date will be printed on the front of the ticket. Your ticket will only be valid between these dates.
- A parking space is not guaranteed. You must park within the confinement of the marked bays.
- The ticket must be displayed on the windscreen so that it can be read from the outside. Failure to display is an offence under the Council’s Off-Street Parking Order, and you may be liable for a Penalty Charge Notice. Terms and Conditions / Regulations on the car parks tariff boards apply.
- You can only purchase a ticket for a motorised vehicle. It is not possible tobuy a ticket to park a trailer / caravan at the car parks.
- You must not photocopy or alter your annual ticket or allow anyone else to do so.
- If you lose your Local Parking Ticket there will be a fee of £20 to reprint and re-send your ticket.
- In line with the Distance Selling Regulations, you have seven working days from receipt of these Terms and Conditions to cancel your order. You must return your parking ticket before a refund will be offered. After seven working days, no refunds will be given.
Buy a local parking ticket