Your right to speak at the planning committee

The Planning Committee

Information about the Planning Committee 

Your right to speak at the Planning Committee

Anyone may attend a planning committee in order to follow the proceedings, but you won’t be allowed to participate in the discussion or express your views unless you apply to speak beforehand.

Objectors and supporters can apply to speak for up to 3 minutes at the Planning Committee. Speakers are limited to one in support of and one in objection to any individual application.


Submitting an application to speak at a committee

You must apply in writing to the Planning Service as soon as possible - at the latest by 5pm on the Thursday before the Committee. You can do this:

  • E-mail:
  • In writing: addressed to the Planning Service, Council Offices, Ffordd y Cob, Pwllheli, Gwynedd. LL53 5AA
  • You should include in your request, your name and contact details, including a daytime telephone number, details of the particular planning application and reference number if possible.


Operational Guidelines

It is up to you what you would like to draw to the committee’s attention, but under the Planning Act, decisions regarding planning applications must be in accordance with the development plans and national guidelines, unless other planning considerations are important enough to justify a decision which is contrary. The Council cannot refuse planning permission for the sole reason that objections have been presented, or approve an application because a number of people support it or because there are no objections.

The matters you raise must pertain to relevant planning considerations, e.g.

  • The policies in the relevant development plans and national planning guidelines
  • The decisions of previous appeals
  • The impact on the character, beauty and appearance of the area, e.g. site, scale, size, height and design
  • The impact on the amenities of neighbouring residents, e.g. hours of use, overlooking, excessive impairment and traffic noise
  • The impact on highway safety, e.g. poor visibility, the safety of pedestrians, parking, density of use.

Little or no attention may be given to matters which are not material planning considerations and which are private matters, e.g.

  • Land stability, drainage, fire precautions, hygiene and internal area (these are mainly dealt with under legislation which is separate from Planning, e.g. Building Regulations)
  • The applicant’s personal character
  • Disagreement regarding the ownership of the affected land
  • Private rights of way and drainage and private easements and covenants
  • The impact of the proposal on property value
  • Commercial competition, e.g. between shops, restaurants, garages etc
  • Loss of views

Only the applicant, his agent, or those who have already submitted written observations within the 21 day consultation period, may make a request to address the committee. Only one person may speak in favour or against an application. An objector and an applicant may only speak once in relation to an application. If the matter is deferred and you have spoken at that committee you will not be able to speak when the matter is next before the Committee.

  • The procedure to be followed in making a request is the same for everyone who wishes to speak at a committee.
  • It is your responsibility to find out whether the particular application on which you wish to speak is to be submitted to the committee or considered under delegated powers. You can discover this by contacting the Planning Service.
  • Only one person can speak, and if a number of people wish to speak, they must decide whom amongst them will be the spokesperson, and inform the Planning Support Service in writing or by e-mail. 
  • One condition of this scheme is that you allow this Council to provide your contact details to others (of the same opinion) who wish to speak in order to assist you to nominate a spokesperson. If this does not lead to an agreement, the first individual to inform the Council will be permitted to speak.
  • You will only be permitted to speak if the application is on the committee’s agenda. Reports on the committee agenda may be inspected at least three working days before the meeting either at the Planning Office or on ‘Track and Trace Planning Applications’ on the Council’s website.
  • The Planning Service will not accept responsibility for failing to contact you by means of the contact details provided by you.
  • The applicant/agent will be informed, if he has not requested to speak at the committee, should a notice be received from an objector expressing the desire to speak, so that he may exercise his right to respond to him at the committee.

Unless the Chairman of the Committee states otherwise, the planning applications will be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda, and it will not be possible to defer an application because you can not attend or because you are not ready to speak when the Chairman presents the application.

Information regarding the position on the agenda of the application on which you wish to speak is available from the planning office.

Sending your video/written copy of your speech:

  • You will be required to submit the video to the Planning Service by 5pm the Thursday prior to the Committee.
  • In the event of technical problems, you are asked to provide a written copy of your address to the Planning Service by 5pm the Thursday before the Committee at which the application will be heard.
  • In line with the usual procedures for speaking at committees, please note that neither the video of your presentation nor your written address should last longer than 3 minutes.
  • It is emphasised that it is the responsibility of the individual who wishes to speak to enquire about and receive confirmation about when a particular application will be submitted before the Committee.

Addressing the Committee at the Council Chambers:

  • Address: Siambr Dafydd Orwig, Swyddfeydd Cyngor Gwynedd, Caernarfon, LL55 1BN
  • Register to speak by 5pm the Thursday prior to the Committee stating you intend to address the committee in person.
  • You must be present at the Committee meeting between at 12.45 p.m. and introduce yourself to the Solicitor. The Committee usually commences at 1.00 p.m. The Solicitor will explain the arrangements and where you will be seated when you speak.
  • When invited by the Chairman of the Committee, you may speak once, for up to three minutes, and the importance of adhering to the time limit is emphasised.
  • There is no need to repeat all the points made in any letters, as these points will have already been sent to members before the committee.
  • You are advised to focus on the main points of concern, or the points which you support. 
  • You will not be allowed to circulate any written material, photographs or use any presentation equipment.
  • After speaking, you must allow the committee to discuss the matter, and you should not join in this discussion.
  • The Chairman may ask a question/questions if further explanation of the points raised will be required.

Decisions are usually made in the meeting, but sometimes it may be deferred until the following meeting in order to arrange a site inspection by the Committee. Should a site visit be held, public speaking will not be allowed, on the site.

The Service will inform the applicant/agent of the decision after the date of the committee.


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