It is up to you what you would like to draw to the committee’s attention, but under the Planning Act, decisions regarding planning applications must be in accordance with the development plans and national guidelines, unless other planning considerations are important enough to justify a decision which is contrary. The Council cannot refuse planning permission for the sole reason that objections have been presented, or approve an application because a number of people support it or because there are no objections.
The matters you raise must pertain to relevant planning considerations, e.g.
- The policies in the relevant development plans and national planning guidelines
- The decisions of previous appeals
- The impact on the character, beauty and appearance of the area, e.g. site, scale, size, height and design
- The impact on the amenities of neighbouring residents, e.g. hours of use, overlooking, excessive impairment and traffic noise
- The impact on highway safety, e.g. poor visibility, the safety of pedestrians, parking, density of use.
Little or no attention may be given to matters which are not material planning considerations and which are private matters, e.g.
- Land stability, drainage, fire precautions, hygiene and internal area (these are mainly dealt with under legislation which is separate from Planning, e.g. Building Regulations)
- The applicant’s personal character
- Disagreement regarding the ownership of the affected land
- Private rights of way and drainage and private easements and covenants
- The impact of the proposal on property value
- Commercial competition, e.g. between shops, restaurants, garages etc
- Loss of views
Only the applicant, his agent, or those who have already submitted written observations within the 21 day consultation period, may make a request to address the committee. Only one person may speak in favour or against an application. An objector and an applicant may only speak once in relation to an application. If the matter is deferred and you have spoken at that committee you will not be able to speak when the matter is next before the Committee.