School Essentials Grant

Welsh Government are providing funding towards a School Essesntials Grant scheme.

The Purpose of the Scheme is to enable the Council to provide grant assistance to families on low incomes for the purchase of:

  • School uniform including coats and shoes;
  • School sports kit including footwear;
  • IT Equipment: laptop and tablets ONLY (School Essentials should only be used in limited situations where a school is unable to loan equipment to the family)
  • Uniform for enrichment activities, including but not limited to, scouts; guides; cadets; martial arts; sports; performing arts or dance;
  • Equipment e.g. school bags and stationery;
  • Specialist equipment where new curriculum activities begin such as design and technology; and
  • Equipment for out of school hour’s trips such as outdoor learning e.g. waterproofs. 

This is not an exhaustive list.

The Funding is £125 per pupil apart for Year 7 pupils where the figure is £200.00, is available to pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (but not those that are Transitionally Protected) or are looked after entering 

  • reception Class of maintained primary schools in September 2024;
  • year 1 of maintained primary schools in September 2024;
  • year 2 of maintained primary schools in September 2024;
  • year 3 of maintained primary schools in September 2024;
  • year 4 of maintained primary schools in September 2024;
  • year 5 of maintained primary schools in September 2024;
  • year 6 of maintained primary schools in September 2024;
  • year 7 of maintained secondary schools in September 2024;
  • year 8 of maintained secondary schools in September 2024;
  • year 9 of maintained secondary schools in September 2024;
  • year 10 of maintained secondary schools in September 2024;
  • year 11 of maintained secondary schools in September 2024; or
  • Pupils in special schools, special needs resource bases and pupil referral units who are aged 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 15 in September 2024.
  • For looked after children of compulsory school age and are classed as looked after by a local authority. The Local Authority in which the child attends school is responsible for issuing the grant.


Entitlement Criteria for the grant:

If you receive one of the following benefits you may be entitled to receive a Grant : 

  • Employment and Support Allowance (income based)
  • Income Support
  • Job Seekers Allowance (income based)
  • Child Tax Credit (with annual taxable income not exceeding £16,190).
  • Pension Credit (Guarantee)
  • Help under Immigration and Asylum Seekers Act 1999 (No Recourse to Public Funds)
  • Universal Credit provided your household has an annualised net earned income of no more than £7,400

Families in receipt of Working Tax Credit are not eligible even if their annual taxable income is less than £16,190.


How do I make an application?

If you receive Housing Tax Benefit or Council Tax Reduction from Cyngor Gwynedd, you will not have to complete an application form for a grant, we will assess your right automatically. If you do not receive Housing Tax Benefit or Council Tax Reduction from Cyngor Gwynedd, and are of the opinion that your family is entitled to a grant, you can download the application form below. 

Application form - School Essentials Grant

If you receive Housing Tax Benefit or Council Tax Reduction from Cyngor Gwynedd, you will not have to complete an application form at specific times, we will review your right automatically.

If you do not receive Housing Tax Benefit or Council Tax Reduction from Cyngor Gwynedd, you will need to make an application every year. The Benefit office will send you a form when you need to make a new application. You only need to complete one form for all your children, even if they attend different schools.

Your child must attend a school in Gwynedd to claim a grant from Gwynedd Council. If your child attends school in any other county you must make an application to that Council for a grant.

It is your responsibility to notify the Council’s Benefits office of any changes in your financial / family circumstances. If you do not do this Cyngor Gwynedd can ask for this money back. 

You can tell us about any change of circumstances on-line.


Contact the Benefits office

Phone: 01286 682689
