Micro Carers
What are micro carers?
In most cases micro carers are self-employed personal assistants. You can choose to use a micro carer to support you to live independently.
They offer diverse support and service that can be tailored to the individual's needs.
How much does the service cost?
The rates micro carers charge can vary. Cyngor Gwynedd pays a rate of £16 per hour to employ a micro carer (2024-25)
You can use Direct payment to pay for Micro Carers. Please discuss with your Social Worker or by contacting the Direct Payments Team: TU@gwynedd.llyw.cymru
How do I apply for a service from a micro carer?
If you have a care package in place, it is possible to get a service from a Micro Carer. Please discuss with your Social Worker.
If you don't have a care package in place, and are struggling to live independently due to age, disability, or caring for someone, please contact the Council to arrange for an assessment by the Adults Service. Request an assessment
Note: If you don't qualify for a care package, but would like support to continue living independently then you can arrange directly with the micro care provider, payment will have to be made privately in these circumstances.
Further information
For more information, please contact:
Considering setting up a Micro Care service?
If you are thinking of setting up your own Micro Care service, please contact us.
Gwynedd Community Catalyst is available to support individuals to set up a 'micro care' initiative by running a 'Doing it Right' Training Scheme.
For more information, please contact