Car parks

There are a number of car parks in Gwynedd that offer safe and affordable parking.

Short-stay car parks are located close to shopping centres with long-stay car parks located on the outskirts of towns, villages or in areas close to the seaside or walking routes.

View list of Cyngor Gwynedd Car Parks and fees

Click on the map to expand it


Contact us

To report a problem or to enquire about a Council owned car park contact us: 

Contact Parking Service  

or call 01766 771000

Or, contact us about parking fines






Motor cycles

There are dedicated parking bays for motor cycles at the following car parks:

  • Penllyn Multi story, Caernarfon.
  • Allt Y Castell, Bangor
  • Glaslyn, Porthmadog 

Motor cycles are permitted to park at all Gwynedd Council owned car parks using regular parking bays and displaying a valid pay and display ticket.

Parking and Motor cycles enquiry / complaint


Motor homes / Arosfan

The Council is developing 4 specific sites for motor homes to stay overnight. Motor homes can also park at any one of Cyngor Gwynedd’s car parks during the day.

View details about motor home parking


Buses and coaches

There are dedicated parking bays at a number of Gwynedd Car Parks. View list of car parks / bus parking bays

Buses fees
Up to 4 hours £3.50
Over 4 hours £5.50

Parking and buses enquiry / complaint


Parking Ap! You can now pay to park at all Gwynedd car parks using the PayByPhone ap on your phone, or with cash. 

The PayByPhone app is available to download from the App Store or Google Play Store. More information
